Edelweiss MF SIP Campaign 728x90

Historical Mutual Fund NAV of Nippon India Low Duration Ret Wly IDCW

NAV Date NAV (Rs)
25-02-2025 1010.6806
24-02-2025 1011.8095
21-02-2025 1011.2798
20-02-2025 1011.0301
18-02-2025 1010.7504
17-02-2025 1011.8903
14-02-2025 1011.3423
13-02-2025 1011.3135
12-02-2025 1011.1165
11-02-2025 1011.0564
10-02-2025 1012.133
07-02-2025 1011.8469
06-02-2025 1011.8626
05-02-2025 1011.3593
04-02-2025 1010.7903
03-02-2025 1011.7835
31-01-2025 1011.066
30-01-2025 1010.8976
29-01-2025 1010.6287
28-01-2025 1010.3907
27-01-2025 1011.4552
24-01-2025 1010.9538
23-01-2025 1010.7594
22-01-2025 1010.651
21-01-2025 1010.4989
20-01-2025 1011.5576
17-01-2025 1010.9335
16-01-2025 1010.6718
15-01-2025 1010.4023
14-01-2025 1010.174
13-01-2025 1011.4983
10-01-2025 1011.1712
09-01-2025 1010.9912
08-01-2025 1010.9419
07-01-2025 1010.8152
06-01-2025 1011.9464
03-01-2025 1011.3002
02-01-2025 1011.1178
01-01-2025 1011.0868
31-12-2024 1010.7355
30-12-2024 1011.6972
27-12-2024 1011.2315
26-12-2024 1010.9207
24-12-2024 1010.5243
23-12-2024 1011.7434
20-12-2024 1011.362
19-12-2024 1011.2958
18-12-2024 1011.3196
17-12-2024 1011.2002
16-12-2024 1012.3131
13-12-2024 1011.7279
12-12-2024 1011.6717
11-12-2024 1011.5724
10-12-2024 1011.4313
09-12-2024 1012.615
06-12-2024 1012.1952
05-12-2024 1011.9752
04-12-2024 1011.6718
03-12-2024 1011.3327
02-12-2024 1012.3802
29-11-2024 1011.5492
28-11-2024 1011.2388
27-11-2024 1011.2254
26-11-2024 1011.1597
25-11-2024 1012.2806
22-11-2024 1011.7699
21-11-2024 1011.5976
19-11-2024 1011.3829
18-11-2024 1012.4776
14-11-2024 1011.8086
13-11-2024 1011.6178
12-11-2024 1011.5422
11-11-2024 1012.6156
08-11-2024 1011.9974
07-11-2024 1011.7324
06-11-2024 1011.4638
05-11-2024 1011.2794
04-11-2024 1012.4425
31-10-2024 1011.7568
30-10-2024 1011.5215
29-10-2024 1011.4641
28-10-2024 1012.4634
25-10-2024 1012.0306
24-10-2024 1011.6825
23-10-2024 1011.486
22-10-2024 1011.1952
21-10-2024 1012.5028
18-10-2024 1012.0523
17-10-2024 1011.9816
16-10-2024 1011.7703
15-10-2024 1011.7367
14-10-2024 1012.8774
11-10-2024 1012.2332
10-10-2024 1011.6041
09-10-2024 1011.2817
08-10-2024 1010.7755
07-10-2024 1011.7925
04-10-2024 1011.3297
03-10-2024 1011.0651
01-10-2024 1010.6218
30-09-2024 1011.6066
27-09-2024 1010.9135
26-09-2024 1010.7254
25-09-2024 1010.3522
24-09-2024 1010.0254
23-09-2024 1011.0385
20-09-2024 1010.513
19-09-2024 1010.1542
17-09-2024 1009.5756
16-09-2024 1010.6667
13-09-2024 1010.0976
12-09-2024 1009.7683
11-09-2024 1009.6711
10-09-2024 1009.5154
09-09-2024 1010.6505
06-09-2024 1010.1387
05-09-2024 1009.9988
04-09-2024 1009.8838
03-09-2024 1009.7035
02-09-2024 1010.7251
30-08-2024 1010.1835
29-08-2024 1010.1428
28-08-2024 1009.9417
27-08-2024 1009.8339
26-08-2024 1010.8226
23-08-2024 1010.3673
22-08-2024 1010.1074
21-08-2024 1009.9491
20-08-2024 1009.7985
19-08-2024 1010.6203
16-08-2024 1010.0312
14-08-2024 1009.6598
13-08-2024 1009.5638
12-08-2024 1010.7029
09-08-2024 1010.09
08-08-2024 1009.9484
07-08-2024 1009.7191
06-08-2024 1009.5816
05-08-2024 1010.8092
02-08-2024 1010.2321
01-08-2024 1010.0545
31-07-2024 1009.8127
30-07-2024 1009.733
29-07-2024 1010.9089
26-07-2024 1010.3101
25-07-2024 1009.979
24-07-2024 1009.7684
23-07-2024 1009.532
22-07-2024 1010.6486
19-07-2024 1010.0937
18-07-2024 1009.9094
16-07-2024 1009.5638
15-07-2024 1010.5482
12-07-2024 1009.9996
11-07-2024 1009.7369
10-07-2024 1009.4454
09-07-2024 1009.295
08-07-2024 1010.5787
05-07-2024 1010.0746
04-07-2024 1009.8772
03-07-2024 1009.6433
02-07-2024 1009.414
01-07-2024 1010.3637
28-06-2024 1009.742
27-06-2024 1009.4316
26-06-2024 1009.2401
25-06-2024 1009.2082
24-06-2024 1010.4008
21-06-2024 1009.9257
20-06-2024 1009.6327
19-06-2024 1009.3944
18-06-2024 1009.2416
14-06-2024 1009.6428
13-06-2024 1009.4515
12-06-2024 1009.2904
11-06-2024 1009.0279
10-06-2024 1010.4365
07-06-2024 1009.8116
06-06-2024 1009.5124
05-06-2024 1009.1429
04-06-2024 1008.9791
03-06-2024 1010.2462
31-05-2024 1009.5527
30-05-2024 1009.4413
29-05-2024 1009.3193
28-05-2024 1009.16
27-05-2024 1010.4972
24-05-2024 1010.0346
22-05-2024 1009.5748
21-05-2024 1009.3186
17-05-2024 1009.8221
16-05-2024 1009.6907
15-05-2024 1009.3726
14-05-2024 1009.2278
13-05-2024 1010.19
10-05-2024 1009.6988
09-05-2024 1009.4686
08-05-2024 1009.4495
07-05-2024 1009.3313
06-05-2024 1010.3832
03-05-2024 1009.8318
02-05-2024 1009.6185
30-04-2024 1009.1877
29-04-2024 1010.3346
26-04-2024 1009.8919
25-04-2024 1009.7254
24-04-2024 1009.6899
23-04-2024 1009.6231
22-04-2024 1010.8061
19-04-2024 1010.2004
18-04-2024 1010.2056
16-04-2024 1009.9198
15-04-2024 1010.8649
12-04-2024 1010.2648
10-04-2024 1010.0643
08-04-2024 1011.151
05-04-2024 1010.5826
04-04-2024 1010.1823
03-04-2024 1009.9441
02-04-2024 1009.6663
31-03-2024 1010.6978
28-03-2024 1010.1615
27-03-2024 1009.1277
26-03-2024 1009.0185

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